Pop trendsetter, production virtuoso, supportive
brother, love-sick protagonist—Finneas O’Connell’s
timepiece has many faces. It’s been another
prosperous year for the polymath; a triadic
triumph in which he reached new production
heights on his sister Billie Eilish’s third studio
album, HIT ME HARD AND SOFT, took on the
compositional reigns for Alfonso Cuarón’s Apple
TV+mini-series, Disclaimer, and shared his most
focused solo material to date with new album
For Cryin’ Out Loud!. Now, the 10-time Grammy
Award-winner covers Wonderland’s Winter 24
issue wearing Audemars Piguet, reflecting on
the climate at pop culture’s summit.
Photography by Chris Noltekuhlmann
Styling by Anton Schneider
Interview by
Words by Ben Tibbits
Grooming by Luca Tullio
Fashion Assistant Lily Noelle Rogers
Editorial Director Charlotte Morton
Editor in Chief Toni-Blaze Ibekwe
Senior Editor Ella Bardsley
Editor Erica Rana
Features Editor Ben Tibbits
Art Director Michael Morton
Assistant Art Director Beth Griffiths
Junior Art Director Natasha Lesiakowska
Fashion Director Abigail Hazard
Production Director Lola Randall